ADHOC Script Policy

Not Applicable to ADHD Scripts

If you require a script outside a normal appointment:

There will be a fee of $125.00 for an ad-hoc appointment.
This is for the time Dr Jayalath puts aside to organise your script.

You are encouraged to go to your GP to obtain the script instead. Your GP can issue more repeats of your medication and it does not have to be Dr Jayalath (except ADHD scripts).

Please note, if you choose to proceed with an AD-HOC script appointment:

  1. Your appointment is NOT considered URGENT and you will need to wait for the next available appointment
  2. Full prepayment is required
  3. It is Medicare-Rebatable with a valid referral
  • You get back $82.15 from Medicare
  • Medicare Rebate is processed after your appointment

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